Your Oxygen Mask First is focused on helping those in the "helping professions" (public safety/first responders, medical, military, etc.) find resources to not only survive the work they do, but also help them live their best lives possible at the same time.

Before an airplane takes off, the flight attendants give their speech on oxygen masks, right?  The message is, every time you get on that plane, before it ever leaves the ground: put your own oxygen mask on before you help others with theirs.  That resonates so profoundly, if you are a “helper”, you CAN’T help anyone unless you help yourself first.  

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Your Oxygen Mask First podcast delves into the depths of mental health, physical health and fitness, wellness, professional development, and improving relationships for public safety professional or anyone who cares for others in a high-stress environment. Helping the Helpers!


We are happy to announce that the Your Oxygen Mask First Podcast is partnering with the Northern Nevada Peer Support Network, a new non-profit organization!  The NNPSN is a central hub for first responders, hospital staff, military, and other public services in Northern Nevada.  The group offers training, outreach, and a variety of other resources.  By collaborating together, the non-profit ensures each person who chooses a career in service is fit for life, as well as fit for duty.  We both truly believe that together we are stronger!