Episode 20: Jeremy Stahlnecker: When Regular Therapy Isn't Enough

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Jeremy Stahlnecker

Jeremy Stahlnecker

Sometimes, regular talk-therapy isn't enough for Veterans to manage their mental health challenges. And sometimes, the spiritual injury from the things they have seen and done in wartime is too much to bear. That is why the incredible organization The Mighty Oaks Foundation exists.

In this episode, we sit down with Mighty Oaks Foundation Executive Director, and USMC Infantry Officer and Iraq Veteran Jeremy Stahlnecker to discuss "out of the box" solutions for Veterans suffering spiritually, dealing with additions, family difficulties, and the challenges they face transitioning back to civilian life...that are free.

Might Oaks Warrior Programs: http://www.mightyoaksprograms.org/

Learn more out their book "March or Die": https://mighty-oaks-store.myshopify.com/ 

Jeremy Stahlnecker

USMC Infantry Officer and Iraq Veteran
Executive Director of Mighty Oaks Foundation

Jeremy is a United States Marine Corps Infantry Officer and Iraq Veteran.  He is also the Executive Director of the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a program that focuses on spiritual injury that our warriors face and is free to Veterans.  Out of 1700 alumni, they have been 100% successful with preventing suicide and nearly as effective in preventing divorce.

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