Episode 037: The Mighty Oaks Foundation - Healing Veterans and Marriages

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Chad Robichaux

Chad Robichaux

Marriage can be challenging but imagine having to try to keep a marriage together when one partner is suffering from PTSD. Today, we talk to the Mighty Oaks Foundation founders Chad and Kathy Robichaux about how they were one step away from divorce, Chad was one second away from death by suicide, and Kathy almost lost her faith. In their raw and emotional interview, they tell us how they were able to save their marriage and forgive each other while building this amazing organization that now helps hundreds of Veterans, military spouses, and first responders heal and find themselves again.

Website: https://www.mightyoaksprograms.org/
The Power of a Praying Wife Book: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Praying%C2%AE-Wife-Stormie-Omartian-ebook/dp/B00GXEDA86/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=the+praying+wife&qid=1554170348&s=gateway&sr=8-3

Kathy Robichaux

Kathy Robichaux

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